
Monday, 27 September 2021

HYPATIA- the mother of modern MAGICK, (science, mathematics & philosophy)

There are 3 people pivitol to modern magick - Pythagoras, Apollonius and HYPATIA. Without these 3 our would would look and think very differently. Their studies & philosophies created society as we know it today - This is their greatest act of magick and their legasy.

These 3 fostered philosophical and practical Hermetics, from which have sprung many magickal traditions and religions. Without understanding them you cannot understand the forces of life that you are playing with.

Hypatia was third in importance and historical order but the closest to out era and understanding. Therefore, we must learn about her first.
There is a detailed magickal discussion about Pythagoras on our Patreon Page for our patrons. We will upload Apollonius to the the Magick Magazine channel soon.

For over 40years Shé D'Montford has been writing on magick for various magazines. Shé founded Magick Magazine that strives to be the best resource on occult philosophy and culture in the world.
Shé D'Montford has contributed freely to the magickal journey of so may people.
Please give back so that Shé can continue this work.

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