There is Sadness and Madness in the Search for MH370.
They are looking in the wrong place.
The plane did not have enough fuel to get to where they are searching in the Southern Indian ocean - the distance from where it disappeared to where they are searching is 6045 kilometres or 3757 miles or 3264 nautical miles.
The distance exceeds its maximum possible flight range for the fuel it had left.
It makes far more sense that the plane never left the disputed South China sea territory where all communication and satellite tracking was lost on the 8th of March. The disputes over territory delayed the beginning of the search by 12 -24 hours. Too late to find wreckage. In late February China made an official claim over almost all the South China Sea against competing countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. Chinese ships used water cannons in January to drive Filipino fishermen away from a disputed shoal, the Philippine military said on Feb. 24. See Attached map compare it with the map of the last reported position of MH370.

Tensions in that area renewed in late February over the U.S. National Security Agency’s surveillance program in China as per revelations by former contractor Edward Snowden. U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser, Ben Rhodes, said: China “has always put front and centre this notion of sovereignty and territorial integrity” in terms of its national security interests. Additionally, US flight drones have been reported in the disputed areas and there has been complaints from North Korea that unmanned U.S. surveillance drones have been flying over their airspace too.
Into this mess flies MH370. All would have been Ok for it if it had stayed upon its registered flight path, but what if something went wrong and it had to change course unexpectedly. It has been suggested that a fire, or similar disaster, may have made the plane veer off course suddenly and may have knocked out most, if not all, the communications systems.
Add to this mix, fighter pilots with trigger fingers that are too sensitive post 9/11 or an unmanned drone unable to establish communications with a potential threat. These may have reacted disastrously for MH370. Suddenly the mysterious disappearance does not seem to be such a mystery.
It is commonsense that no airline should fly over any conflict zone what-so-ever. or this will happen again. The consciousness of conflict is accelerating in this world at this time and we cannot rely on the human decency of those involved in conflicts to ‘do the right thing.’ If there is a conflict going on, keep away and be safe. If everyone kept away from a conflict - conflict could not take place at all.
This is what I feel has happened. I feel only panic then sadness surrounding this flight - The details are unclear, as often happens when panic takes over. It was quick and plunged into the South China Sea and is nowhere near the misdirected search area of the Southern Indian Ocean.
Yes, I believe there is a conspiracy of silence and misdirection, but not for evil reasons. They want us all to look away form such a troubled area on the point of boiling over. No one wants war. This, however is of little comfort to the relatives of those missing on the plane nor to the family of the pilot, who may have acted courageously, but whose memory is now being painted black by the media, more interested in a story than compassion.
On March 21st China’s Foreign Ministry asked for a “clear explanation” from the U.S. after the New York Times and the German magazine Der Spiegel reported that the NSA breached the servers of Huawei, the Chinese phone-equipment maker.
Obama's response was that the U.S. “does not engage in espionage to gain a commercial advantage,” Rhodes said, making a distinction between intelligence activities with a national security versus a commercial purpose.
US president Obama has met with Xi, the Chinese leader since the disappearance of MH370. Additionally, the U.S. president has planned a trip to Asia next month, which includes stops in South Korea and Japan. Since this meeting, the U.S. and China have made “incredible strides” in their relationship. The U.S. president told Xi he wants them to co-operate to resolve the South China Sea dispute in a “constructive” way to strengthen ties throughout Asia. Xi said through an interpreter that China is “firmly committed” to a “new model of international relations.”
This seems to indicate that China feels they are in a stronger position. They must have a bargaining chip. In the disputed territory, the North Korean's often have the finger pointed at them. But the U.S. is suddenly being very compliant. Perhaps one of their unmanned drones is to blame???
(US & China meeting ref.)