
Friday, 7 February 2020

Is the Carona Virus Infomation a Hoax?

Is the new viral warfare is being waged via the media, not in laboratories?

I think we are all feeling that something is not adding up here ... so lets crunch some numbers...
LAST YEAR The Guardian news paper reported, that at the start of our flu season: "So far this year there have been 131,000 flu cases across Australia and 287 deaths nationally, according to the federal health department.".Jul 8, 2019
 Channel 7 news reported that, in Melbourne alone, we had over 4000 cases of people who contracted the flu AFTER they were administered  the flu vaccines.  Health authorities have revealed more than 4,000 Victorians fell ill with the flu virus, in June 2019, even though they'd been vaccinated. The figures emerged after the death of a young father - who had the vaccination - but contracted the flu.

Why didn't this create panic???

 So if we compare that to the statistics being flaunted at us - then China is just in the grip of a winter flu... the same as every other country in the norther hemisphere right now!!! 
And they are managing it very responsibly.

However, the statistics from Asia (News Vietnam) is far less shocking than the sensational headlines

These statistics show an infection rate far less, with a mortality rate that is far fewer, than what happened in Australia and the US last winter....

 This media campaign about what appears to be a not extraordinary influenza outbreak, has created a panic that Orson Wells would be proud of. It has damage China's trade and tourism at a time that is very convenient for the US. Is this a case of fake news for political purposes, with people being placed in quarantine for no good reason other than to maintain a facade?

It appears that 

the new viral warfare is being waged via the media 

not in laboratories.

 * PS
 EXCELLENT CHANNEL 7 NEWS STORY - I have been saying for ages: "Please lets see the statistics on how many of the people who have been TREATED for the flu & who have had the vaccine have CONTRACTED winter influenza." - This story by Channel 7 News says 20% (1in 5) is a very conservative guess statistic - Why are they trying to force a back log of a vaccine on us, that doesn't really work? If these were the statistics on a natural therapy treatment the drug companies would be demanding it be banned right now.....

The Best Traditional Antiviral Is TURMERIC!

If you are traveling take turmeric to help stay virus free - and it cost almost nothing. 
See this YouTube video for an explanation of its anti-viral properties