Do you think you
could handle the real facts about the world that you live in?
It might feel
like you have to change so many things that you just couldn’t do it – but you
can.. You can live in the burbs and become free - a fringe dweller in the city.
Don’t be apathetic about what is happening around you. Don’t be scared into
inaction or overwhelmed into disinterest. You have the power to change these
things, but you have to be aware of what to change. These truths affect you now
and affect your children’s future.
Would you feel
so unsafe that you would tell me that I am crazy?

Socrates, 500
years BC taught that the key to freedom was asking the right questions.
Questions stimulate thought, debate and discussion, from which solutions will
arise. It is not about being a sophist or a skeptic whose religion is to
believe nothing. It is the ability to say, “Hang on this doesn’t add up. This
doesn’t make sense.”
The propaganda
merchants have made us believe that if we ask “Why not?” that the same thing
will happen to us that happened to Kennedy. But your assassins are not on a
grassy knoll. They lay in wait in your ignorance and inaction. They shoot at
you in your own home from the TV.
The Truth
About Television
We spend so much
money on these addictive toys. But they are so much more than that. They
hypnotically flash at 25 cycles per second against an electronic impulse of 80
cycles per second. This harmonic pattern of vibrations is what makes you sleepy
when you drive or take a train. Like a skilled hypnotist it lulls you into a
wakeful trance and opens you to you receptive best. Why? Not to programme us to
be all that we can be. Rather TV instils paralysing fear through cops and robbers’ shows, hate and disaster consciousness through the news that ignores the good
and great human achievement. TV showcases desires, greed, debit and consumerism to keep you enslaved to the banks. Sex is obsessed and downgraded into lust, perversion and fetish rather
than the most empowering magick available to every individual. Feelings of inadequacy are played upon so strongly that millions of man-hours and endless
energy are wasted at gyms rather than encouraging you to use your energy to
pursue things that will give you back your freedom. If all of the energy from gym equipment was channelled into
generating electricity we could run our cities on free power. Instead human
life force energy is pointlessly expended and wasted.
So it is not
surprising that governments defend our right to have TV in remote areas. Does
this make sense? Ask yourself why is the government more interested in
providing a national broadband network than a better health care system or
improved literacy?
The Truth
about Social Media
The promotion of
social media should be termed “anti-social media.” It has just been school
holidays but the children in my street did not go out to play and interact.
They stayed inside watching TV, Facebooking or playing video games. Young
couples go on dates but they do not talk. They take their smart phones and
spend the time texting and tweeting as they are eating.
This puts me in
mind of the Loa Tzu maxim in The Tao chapter 80, on how to control society via
making the people content to remain in seclusion and stay at home: -
"Let nations grow smaller and smaller and people fewer and
Let labour saving devices abound but never get used as the people
are provided with everything;
Let the people fear death such that they do not go far from home;
Although there are boats and carriages, there are no places to
ride them.
Weapons have they and armour too, but they are hidden and not
The people should have no use for any form of writing more
complicated than knotted ropes.
Let them be concerned with good food and beautiful clothes; with
their homes being beautiful yet uneventful and with customs that do not offend
They may be so close that they can hear the barking dogs and the
crowing cocks in neighbours lands yet never go there; and folks grow old and
will die and never once meet."
It seems ‘the powers that be’ have found a
way to achieve this by twisting the internet away from being our best chance of
uncensored freedom into social control via social media and government
controlled broadband.
The Truth About
The National Broadband Network
Added to that,
it must be remembered that the internet, from its inception, was a National
Security Network tool. Permission was granted for it to be utilized by
universities so that governments could track radicals in these hot beds of
human thought. When its use became popular ‘the powers that be’ lost control of
this tool to control the masses. For one brief instance we have enjoyed freedom
of speech as the Internet became privatised. However, Twitter is about to be sued for being
an uncensored neutral tool for freedom of expression. How can the governments
regain control of something like twitter that was used to remove a government
in Egypt and Syria? Easy, if they make it a government-controlled server agsin, undercutting the private servers, then
things that are unapproved will be speedily removed.
The Truth
About The “Problem - Reaction - Solution” Scenario
They want to
take away our ability to “See - Question - Think and say No!” They want to
substitute it with the oldest form of population control by propaganda, the
“Problem - Reaction - Solution” scenario. It means that when a crisis occurs
the public reacts by saying “something should be done about this,” to which the
government provides a solution. This process should be called: “The
artificially created problem – Media dictated reaction – Forced into one
forgone conclusion.”
Example: Problem
A: “9/11 and the Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Reaction - huge media coverage
to promote feelings of being unsafe from terrorists resulting in a public out
cry to “Protect us.” ” Solution - “War against Terrorism,” which really means
new laws, which equate to huge losses of individual rights. Most governments
can now legally detain you without reason and without access to any legal
council for as long as they want. True result: The government got what it
wanted but the public didn’t.
Another example:
Problem B: “School shootings against ever younger and more defenceless targets”
Reaction - “A huge media coverage
to promote feelings of being unsafe from guns.” Solution – Gun controls, that
really means public disarmament and the loss of our right to defend ourselves.
True result: The government got what it wants but the public didn’t.
Remember that
there is more than one solution to any problem. Alternatives have been offered.
Solution to Problem A:
People have long
called for their country to not meddle in the politics of nations that do not
affect them thus not making their people targets of reprisals.
Solution to Problem B: The NRA has offered to put an armed guard in every US
school, as the government won’t do it.
These are only 2
simple logical alternatives that have been offered yet how much media has been
given to these or other viable options? Enough for the public to make an
informed decision? Or is the media hypnotising the unthinking into believing
there is only one solution? And how good will this one solution really be for
you? I am sure that you could think of better ones for yourself.
The Truth
About What is Good for Us?
What if most of
the things we have been brain washed into thinking are good for us are, in
reality, bad for us?
What if
cosmetics and the chemicals that we are told to slew on our skin really aged it
faster in order for them to sell you more cosmetics? And what if all of those
skin care chemicals made your skin far more susceptible to skin-cancer?
It is reasonable
to think that these kind of subtle marketing campaigns exist where you pay for
the problem and the solution. Especially when you consider the fact that most
of the cosmetic companies are owed by the big pharma companies that have cancer
treatments to sell.
What if they
have known the answer to cancer since 1951, but that we have not been told as
big pharma is making billions of dollars out of both the research and the end
treatment stages? What if it had been found that cancer performs a positive
function in the human body? What if it is supposed to wrap up destructive
viruses and toxins and await its own destruction by an enzyme that should be
present in our diet but that has been depleted within all modern processed
foods? Why are they taking our right away to have the last say on our own
medical treatment? In ancient societies it was only slaves who were not allowed
to decide their own fate. Have we become a nation of slaves? We need to demand
the right to make our own informed health decisions.
What if mega
dosing on vitamins is promoted by big pharma, as they now own most of the
vitamin companies? Ask yourself, “If they are doing that, what is their real
agenda?” as in the past their methods of marketing have been very insidious.
What really is in the supplements that you take and are they really good for
you? What about mineral supplements? Why aren’t they promoted? Why are they
passing laws to prevent us treating simple ailments with proven effective and
simple herbal treatments we can grow in our own garden? We have to demand our
rights for the freedom to take care of ourselves.
What if
immunisation, like the cervical cancer vaccine, which has just been forced on
to millions of teenage women and men, is in reality designed to give cancer
later in life? What if it is more about the control of the ageing population
than hopes of longevity for our children? We have to demand the right to make
these decisions for our children.
What if the most encouraged and legislated
preservative in modern foods – sulphur dioxide - in everything from breakfast
cereals to wine – was a vasodilator known to cause strokes and heart attacks?
What if it is being put into our food for the same reason, to help eliminate an
ageing population? How would you feel if I told you our governments are seeding
clouds with it to try to make it rain even though we have had the wettest season
on record in years? We have to demand the plain disclosure of real poisons in
our foods and in our environment.
Would you feel helpless, powerless if all
of this is true?
The Most
Powerful Word
What if I told
you that you could do something about it?
All you have to
do is to start saying the most powerful word in the universe.
We have a
choice. We always have a choice.
We have to
demand the reinstatement of all of these rights that we have lost. This is the
system that we have co-created with our passivity and apathy. We have been so
distracted by our life styles that we have been hoping some one else would do
something about it. But it is up to you. We can make a better system if we
start demanding that it be so.
The Truth
About a Better System
What if someone
was to tell you this is the only system that we have?
Then we say “No!
Not good enough we want a better one.”
How about the
implementation of a yearly referendum of 100 questions on plain English, (not
written in legalese) simply stated with a simple yes or no response box that
our presiding government must be bound by penalties to enact. Questions that
will give us a clear majority decision on things that concern us.
Should we implement
the published carbon credit scheme? - Yes or No
Should we utilize
nuclear power in Australia? – Yes or No
Should we lower
water rates in time of surplus? – Yes or No
If our water is
privatised and sold should the ratepayers who paid increased rates to
facilitate the infrastructure become shareholders and receive shares of the
profits? – Yes or Now!
Should we lower
petrol tax? – Yes or No
If yes - What should
we cut from our roads budget to do this?
1. Assign able-bodied
recipients of unemployment benefits road-gang time each fortnight? Yes or No
2. Increase the tax
payable by private road toll companies? Yes or No
3. Should we stop
sticking up bloody stupid and very expensive road signs whilst our government
is crying poor? - Yes or No
How would we
make a system like this work?
There should be
a time each year where anybody and everybody can submit potential questions for
the referendum and each year the top 100 questions are included on the
referendum. If you don’t want to do the referendum, don’t do it. If there are
questions on the referendum that you don’t want to answer or that do not matter
to you then don’t answer them. That way it is only the individuals who are
really concerned about issues, and can be bothered putting in the effort, which
will get to have a say about it.
What do you
think? Much better much simpler and it could help us to reduce the number of
politicians that we are paying a wage to as well! We don’t need anyone who is
not working for us and we definitely don’t need elected officials who decide
off their own bat to work against us and then incur huge national debit by
going against platform policies.
The Truth
About Global Warming
Are you going to
keep allowing them to invent things like global warming to increase your taxes
- when we can all see that we have globally had the successive coldest winters
on record for the last 5 years? They said the carbon tax was not going to make
a difference yet it has closed may industries, slowed the mining and private
home energy bills are sent to rise by 32%. That is a huge difference. And now
that carbon credits are being devalued overseas to nothing and our government
has valued them so highly they are predicting a huge 12 billion dollar deficit
in the next budget. They changed their policies that they were voted in on.
They said there would be no carbon credits. Now that it has fallen on its
backside, why should we have to pay for it? They have not done it against our
will; why not make them personally liable for the debit rather than trying to
extort more money out of us? Why not make them pay? Why not give the deficit
back to each of them to pay off? Why not let them become the slaves to national
debit, instead of them walking away scott free whilst trying to burden us with
The Truth About
Food and Water
What if the same
things are happening with your food and your water? What if the governments are
trying to control and price hike your most basic essential needs? Even though
there has been mass flooding and dams are full to bursting, water rates
everywhere are raising. So install rainwater tanks.
It is a simple
thing, if you have solar installed, to additionally install power-storing
batteries and take yourself off the grid. Voting with your feet and becoming
power self-sufficient is the best solution.
You can grow
your own food and collect your own water on the smallest housing block. Even if
you live in a unit you can, collect rainwater and grow edible plants in house
plant pots. To remain free, keep a stock of food in your house that will last
at least 2 weeks. It is far too easy for supermarkets to close as they did
during the Queensland floods.
Even your own
sewerage can be diverted into a domestic biogas tank that will provide you with
freedom from sewerage charges and provide you with a constantly renewing energy
source too.
Be prepared and
take personal control of your own essential services, food water and power. It
is easy. Don’t be lazy and give control of these to others. If you do that, you
are giving control of your life to others.
The Truth
About The Refugee Crisis
If you are a
business owner, are you going to passively allow the government to tell you
that you have to pay more and more taxes to the point where it no longer makes
sense to be a value producer and makes more sense to be a paid and controlled
government slave. Why struggle with crushing business taxes, when the
governments are taking enough off you each week to fund 3 people in public
housing or newly landed refugees? If you give up and become part of the welfare
system you loose your freedom to move. Everything becomes controlled.
what if the government allows individuals who want to open their own homes to
refugees or welfarees, and take care of all of their personal expenses, thus
effectively adopt them into their families then the rest of us do not have to
be penalised and there is no need for inhuman detention centres. Then refugees
can be allowed into the country at the rate to which people come forward to
sponsor them.
The Truth
About the Council Land Grab
What if the
council wants to continue to raise your rates and electricity tariffs to the
point where no one can afford these essential services any more? Pensioners,
who have purchased a home for retirement, should not be forced out of that home
simply because the land value around them rises. The cost of essential services
has not gone up just the land value. This is the worst kind of criminal fraud
and it means none of us own our own homes. What if land value was only
dependent upon the purchase value and should not be increased until a family
sells its home? Therefore if a home remains in the family for years the land
value rates should not rise until that home is sold. Then legacy and
inheritance can mean something again.
The Truth
About Debit
Are you going to
let them create debit for you that will force you out of your home? Are you
going to let the rates debit build to the point where they can take your home
from you for non-payment within 3 years?
The one thing that should never be able to be stolen, your home, can be
take by an increase in council land value. Are you going to sit quietly and let
that happen?
No! No! NO!
Debit enslaves.
What if it is the agenda of the world banks to enslave nations using the above
method on a national basis? What if wars are fought not over national assets
like oil but over control of debit? Wars are expensive and they create huge
debits that enslave both sides. For you to remain personally free all you have
to do is remain debit free. When those advertisements appear on the television
offering you everything you want now at a reasonable rate of interest remember
that all interest rates rise. Remember all of the homeless after the recent
debit crisis in the US. Just say no to debit to remain free.
Joining Our
Voices to a Roar
2012 signalled
the end of one lone voice crying in the wilderness. Now it is time for us to
all speak together. Tell the media; use your social networking before it is too
late! Say No! Loud, clear and together – take the power back for you won life
today. In ancient Rome it was realised that the power of the government was
with the people. To win power you had to please the people. It is time that
‘the powers that be’ realised that the people are not pleased and that they had
better get back to the business of pleasing us again.
Copyright © Rev.
Dr. S. D’Montford, Tuesday, April 30, 2013 Gold Coast Australia.
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